Orangevolt ANT Tasks » Tasks » jnlp
An excurse about security in Java Web Startpreferences

2.3.9.  Example

Suppose the following directory structure of an application foo


The following sample Ant build file creates a jnlp file using jnlp task:

<?xml version="1.0"?>  
<project basedir="." name="foo" default="main">
  <taskdef classpath="orangevolt-ant-tasks-1.3.2.jar" resource="com/orangevolt/tools/ant/"/>
  <target name="main">
    <jnlp toFile="foo.jnlp" href="foo.jnlp" codebase="">
        <vendor>Foo Bar Limited</vendor>
        <homepage href=""/>
        <icon kind="splash" href="images/splash.gif"/>
        <icon href="logo.gif"/>
        <description>Foo is an extremely useful application for doing almost everything</description>
        <description kind="tooltip">Foo - the extremely useful application</description>
        <j2se version="1.4+"/>
        <fileset dir="." includes="**/*.jar, **/*.lib"/>
      <application_desc main_class=""/>

The file set is expanded by the jnlp task and the matched resources are added to the generated jnlp file:

<jnlp href="foo.jnlp" codebase="">
    <vendor>Foo Bar Limited</vendor>
    <homepage href=""/>
    <icon kind="splash" href="images/splash.gif"/>
    <icon href="logo.gif"/>
    <description>Foo is an extremely useful application for doing almost everything</description>
    <description kind="tooltip">Foo - the extremely useful application</description>
    <j2se version="1.4+"/>
    <jar href="lib/foo.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/common.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/gui.jar"/>
    <nativelib href="native/foo.dll"/>
  <application-desc main-class=""/>

As you can see, alle jar, dll and so files are added to the jnlp file.