Orangevolt ANT Tasks » Tasks » preferences

2.4.4.  Element test

test checks if either a node of a entry exists. Furthermore you can test a data entry against a user defined value. test sets a property as result of the condition.


Name Description Required
name The name of the entry to remove. yes (if node is not given)
node The name of the node (subtree) to remove. yes (if name is not given)
property The name of the property to set if the condition is fulfilled. yes

The path of the node. The path is used relative to the base path defined in the preferences task. If the given path does not exists an exception will be thrown.


If value is defined test checks first if the entry exists and second compares the data entry with this value. if the values are equals the property will be defined.

Either name(to remove a data entry) or node(to remove a node/subtree) must be set.