Orangevolt ANT Tasks » Tasks » call | ||
call | |
This example is just a snippet of a real world use of call. First call use: If property yul_present is defined the install-yul target will be executed. Because install-yul depends on target license it is also executed. The snippet contains some more use cases of call. See yourself.
build.xml |
... |
<target name= "prepare" depends= "checkup" > |
<!-- create property yul_present if a matching file was found with the name of the file as value --> |
<find dir= "${tomcat}/common/lib" file= "roxes-yul-*.jar" property= "yul_present" /> |
<!-- call target install-yul if the file exists --> |
<call unless= "yul_present" target= "install-yul" /> |
<input validargs= "Install YUL examples,Create new YUL web application,Nothing more" addproperty= "option" > |
</input> |
<compare arg1= "${option}" arg2= "Install YUL examples" > |
<equal property= "install-examples" /> |
</compare> |
<condition property= "windows-integration" > |
<and> |
<isset property= "install-examples" /> |
<os family= "windows" /> |
</and> |
</condition> |
<call if= "windows-integration" target= "install-windows-integration" /> |
<call if= "install-examples" target= "install-examples" /> |
<compare arg1= "${option}" arg2= "Create new YUL web application" > |
<equal property= "install-new" /> |
</compare> |
<call if= "install-new" target= "install-new" /> |
<target name= "install-yul" depends= "license" > |
<unzip src= "dist/" dest= "${tomcat}/common" /> |
</target> |
... |