Orangevolt Antony - Run Ant make files with a User Interface
RequirementsCommandline Options

3.  Features

Ant Compatibility

Antony is 100% compatible. We didn't reimplement instead is integrated. This fact brings developers 100% compatibility when using Antony.

Comandline interface

Antony can be configured by commandline. The commandline interface is 100% compatible to 's commandline interface. Therefore there is no change for your configuration except calling Antony instead on the commandline.

There are additional commandline options to configure Antony's style and behaviour. You can modifiy the title, icon and auto start/exit behaviour (See Commandline Options for details).

Graphical <input> and <echo> task Visualization

The <input> and <echo> tasks are used to get user input and provide informations to the user. Antony provides custom implementations allowing to display these tasks graphically.

The <echo> task echoes text using a dialog. Multiline text exceeding a limit will be displayed in a scrollable text pane dialog. The <echo> dialog image depends on the used <echo> level.
sample echo dialog

The <input> task can take user input for further processing in Ant. The task will be displayed using a dialog. If the prompt is multiline text exceeding a limit it will be displayed in a scrollable pane. Predefined input values will be displayed as combo box.
small multi line prompt
large multi line prompt
single line prompt and validargs

Graphical build progress visualization

Antony tracks the build progress visually by displaying all targets done, current target and the current processing task.
sample build progress

Syntax colored output shell

Antony comes with a output shell utilizing syntax coloring for the different Ant output level. The output shell can be configured to be visible at startup. At runtime the output shell can be triggered to be visible too.
console in action

Native wrapped Antony executables

The distribution contains both pure java and native wrapped executables of Antony for Windows and most Unix compliant systems. The executables include Ant 1.5.4, Orangevolt Ant Tasks and Antony itself. You need nothing more than writing your Ant build file.

The native windows and unix executables where created using Orangevolt Ant Tasks.

Builtin Ant task's for creating OS specific Setup's

Antony is distributed with Orangevolt Ant Tasks. Orangevolt Ant Tasks includes many platform specific Ant tasks for Windows and Unix systems. Orangevolt Ant Tasks where developed to make desktop integration for multile platforms possible during Ant build files. Included are tasks for Windows Shortcut creation, KDE shortcut creation, OS specific special directory access (Desktop directory for example), Windows Registry access, Windows native executable creation, Unix executable creation and many many more.

See Orangevolt Ant Tasks for usage and details.