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public class Property implements JNLPTaskMember {
private String name = null;
private String value = null;
public void setName(String string) {
name = string;
public void setValue(String string) {
value = string;
public void writeElement(TransformerHandler hd) throws SAXException {
AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
addAttribute(atts, "name", name);
addAttribute(atts, "value", value);
hd.startElement("", "", "property", atts);
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Line |
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34 |
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24 |
if( _if==null && unless==null && _while==null && until==null)
throw new BuildException( "Either attribute \"if\", \"unless\", \"while\" or \"until\" have to be defined.");
if( _if!=null)
if( getProject().getProperty( _if)==null)
log( "if condition: property \"" + _if + "\" is undefined. skip execute sub tasks", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
log( "if condition: property \"" + _if + "\" is defined. execute sub tasks", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
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161 |
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263 |
throw new BuildException("Strem empty");
// write a byte
scanBuffer[scanBuffer.length - 1] = (byte) nextb;
String value = p.getProperty(new String(scanBuffer));
p.remove(new String(scanBuffer));
log(new String(scanBuffer) + " at " + (position - 1)
+ " replaced by " + value);
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Line |
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112 |
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170 |
log( "Writing kde shortcut file " + file.getAbsolutePath());
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( file));
pw.println( "[Desktop Entry]");
Enumeration e = p.keys();
while (e.hasMoreElements())
String key = (String)e.nextElement();
pw.println( key + "=" + p.getProperty( key));
pw.println( "Type" + "=" + p.getProperty( "Type", "Application"));
File |
Line |
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29 |
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76 |
if( append && file.exists())
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
InputStream in = new FileInputStream( file);
int i;
while( (!=-1)
out.write( i);
text = out.toString();
catch (IOException ex)
throw new BuildException( "Reading file contents to append to from " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " failed : " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
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Line |
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40 |
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173 |
public class Get implements Runnable
String property=null;
String entry=null;
String subKey=null;
public void setProperty( String s)
property = s;
public void setEntry( String s)
entry = s;
public void setSubKey( String s)
subKey = s;
public void run()
if( property==null)
throw new BuildException( "<get> requires attribute \"property\".");
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Line |
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298 |
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431 |
offset = oldmsheader.e_lfanew + (m_header.NumberOfRvaAndSizes * 8) + 24
+ 96;
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); i++) {
// System.out.println(" offset: " + out.position());
PESection sect = (PESection) sections.get(i);
// sect.dump(System.out);
ByteBuffer buf = sect.get();
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Line |
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376 |
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464 |
for ( ; ; ) {
int id = (((red > node.mid_red ? 1 : 0) << 0) |
((green > node.mid_green ? 1 : 0) << 1) |
((blue > node.mid_blue ? 1 : 0) << 2) );
if (node.child[id] == null) {
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Line |
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569 |
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651 |
throw new BuildException( "Using attribute value in conjunction with attribute node doesnt make sense.");
Preferences p = rootPrefs;
if( path!=null)
if( p.nodeExists( path))
p = p.node( path);
if( name!=null)
List list = Arrays.asList( p.keys());
if( list.contains( name))
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Line |
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431 |
net\charabia\jsmoothgen\pe\ |
457 |
private long findNewSize(long current, Vector oldsections, Vector newsections)
for (int i=0; i<oldsections.size(); i++)
PESection sect = (PESection)oldsections.get(i);
if (sect.VirtualAddress == current)
PESection newsect = (PESection)newsections.get(i);
// System.out.println("Translation Size found for " + current + " = " + i + " (" +newsect.VirtualAddress + ")=" + newsect.getName());
// System.out.println(" Old size " + sect.VirtualSize + " vs new size " + newsect.VirtualSize);
return newsect.VirtualSize;
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Line |
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141 |
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525 |
public void setMain_Class(String string) {
mainClass = string;
public void setMainClass(String mainClass) {
this.mainClass = mainClass;
public void writeElement(TransformerHandler hd) throws SAXException {
AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
addAttribute(atts, "main-class", mainClass);
hd.startElement("", "", "installer-desc", atts);
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Line |
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81 |
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71 |
if( _while!=null)
while( true)
if( getProject().getProperty( _while)==null)
log( "while condition: property \"" + _while + "\" is undefined. skip execute sub tasks", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
log( "while condition: property \"" + _while + "\" is defined. execute sub tasks", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
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Line |
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64 |
net\sf\ovanttasks\ovanttasks\ |
54 |
if( until!=null)
while( true)
if( getProject().getProperty( until)!=null)
log( "until condition: property \"" + until + "\" is defined. skip execute sub tasks", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
log( "until condition: property \"" + until + "\" is undefined. execute sub tasks", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
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Line |
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74 |
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109 |
public void setIcon( String s)
p.put( "Icon", s);
public void setIconFile( File f)
p.put( "Icon", f.getAbsolutePath());
public void setComment( String s)
p.put( "Comment", s);
public void setTerminal( boolean b)
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Line |
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49 |
net\sf\ovanttasks\ovanttasks\ |
39 |
if( unless!=null)
if( getProject().getProperty( unless)!=null)
log( "unless condition: property \"" + unless + "\" is defined. skip execute sub tasks", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
log( "unless condition: property \"" + unless + "\" is undefined. execute sub tasks", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
File |
Line |
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66 |
net\sf\ovanttasks\ovanttasks\ |
103 |
Registry reg=null;
if( subKey!=null)
reg = new Registry( Win32RegistryTask.this.reg, subKey);
reg = Win32RegistryTask.this.reg;
if( entry!=null)
if( reg.exists() && reg.hasValue( entry))
File |
Line |
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129 |
net\sf\ovanttasks\ovanttasks\ |
92 |
public void setIf(String string)
_if = string;
public void setUnless(String string)
unless = string;
public void setWhile(String string)
_while = string;
public void setUntil(String string)
until = string;
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Line |
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263 |
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384 |
throw new BuildException( "<export> requires either attribute \"file\" or the import as body content to be set.");
Registry reg=null;
if( subKey!=null)
reg = new Registry( Win32RegistryTask.this.reg, subKey);
reg = Win32RegistryTask.this.reg;
if( !reg.exists())
File |
Line |
net\charabia\jsmoothgen\pe\ |
655 |
net\charabia\jsmoothgen\pe\ |
667 |
public ResourceEntry buildResourceEntry(String id, ImageResourceDirectory dir)
if ((id.length() > 1) && (id.charAt(0) == '#'))
int intid = Integer.parseInt(id.substring(1));
return new ResourceEntry(intid, dir);
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Line |
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181 |
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286 |
copy(archive, out);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new BuildException("Cannot open archive", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException("IO Problem occured", e);
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Line |
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114 |
net\charabia\jsmoothgen\pe\ |
281 |
private void indent(int level, PrintStream out)
for (int i=0; i<level; i++)
out.print(" ");
public int buildBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, long virtualBaseOffset, int dataOffset)
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Line |
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152 |
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253 |
: getWin32ConsoleLessStub());, 0, scanBuffer.length);
long position = 1;
while (p.size() > 0) {
while (!p.containsKey(new String(scanBuffer))) {
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Line |
net\charabia\jsmoothgen\pe\ |
279 |
net\charabia\jsmoothgen\pe\ |
423 |
re.dump(out, level+1);
private void indent(int level, PrintStream out)
for (int i=0; i<level; i++)
out.print(" ");
public int diskSize()
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Line |
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200 |
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384 |
throw new BuildException( "<export> requires attribute \"file\".");
Registry reg=null;
if( subKey!=null)
reg = new Registry( Win32RegistryTask.this.reg, subKey);
reg = Win32RegistryTask.this.reg;
if( !reg.exists())
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Line |
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549 |
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615 |
String property = null;
public void setName(String string)
name = string;
public void setNode(String string)
node = string;
public void setPath(String string)
path = string;
public void setProperty(String string)
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Line |
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39 |
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691 |
String encodeStr = username + ":" + password;
Base64Encode encoder = new Base64Encode();
char[] encodedPass = encoder.encodeBase64(encodeStr.getBytes());
String authStr = "BASIC " + new String(encodedPass);
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Line |
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56 |
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129 |
log( left.toString() + " >= " + arg2.toString() + " = " + i, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
getProject().setProperty( property, "true");
conditions.add( comparison);
return comparison;
public Comparison createGreater()
File |
Line |
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406 |
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56 |
ii = new ImageIcon( icon.toURL());
Image img = ii.getImage().getScaledInstance( 32, 32, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT);
while( img.getHeight( null)==-1)
Thread.sleep( 50);
ResIcon resIcon = new ResIcon( img);
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Line |
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96 |
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257 |
if ((size%4)>0)
size += 4-(size%4);
return size;
public void dump(PrintStream out, int level)
indent(level, out);
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Line |
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46 |
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58 |
if( value==null && s.trim().length()>0)
value = getProject().replaceProperties( s.trim());
public void run()
if( name==null)
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Line |
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104 |
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162 |
Iterator iter = customProperties.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Property prop = (Property);;
log( "Writing kde shortcut file " + file.getAbsolutePath());
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Line |
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44 |
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58 |
if( value==null && s.trim().length()>0)
value = getProject().replaceProperties( s.trim());
public void run()
if( name==null)
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Line |
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288 |
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706 |
public void writeElement(TransformerHandler hd) throws SAXException {
AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
addAttribute(atts, "href", href);
addAttribute(atts, "version", version);
addAttribute(atts, "name", name);
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Line |
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56 |
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147 |
log( left.toString() + " > " + arg2.toString() + " = " + i, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
getProject().setProperty( property, "true");
conditions.add( comparison);
return comparison;
/** @see */
public void execute() throws BuildException
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Line |
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582 |
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629 |
void colormap() {
if (nchild != 0) {
for (int id = 0; id < 8; id++) {
if (child[id] != null) {
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value = string;
public void run()
if( (name!=null && node!=null) || (name==null && node==null))
throw new BuildException( "Attribute name OR node is required in element test");
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Line |
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19 |
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20 |
public class HttpDigestAuth implements HttpAuthenticationStrategy {
* Sets the AuthenticationHeader attribute of the HttpAuthStrategy
* object
* @param requestConnection The current request
* @param responseConnection any previous request, which can contain a
* challenge for the next round. Will often be null
* @param user the current user name
* @param password the current password
public void setAuthenticationHeader(URLConnection requestConnection,
URLConnection responseConnection,
String username, String password)
throws BuildException {
if (username != null) {
String encodeStr = username + ":" + password;
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Line |
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582 |
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653 |
void closestColor(int red, int green, int blue, Search search) {
if (nchild != 0) {
for (int id = 0; id < 8; id++) {
if (child[id] != null) {
child[id].closestColor(red, green, blue, search);
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Line |
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269 |
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278 |
image.setRGB(x, y, (0xFF << 24) | (redp[col1] << 16) | (greenp[col1] << 8) | bluep[col1]);
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Line |
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701 |
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840 |
maxHeapSize = string;
public void setVersion(String string) {
version = string;
public void writeElement(TransformerHandler hd) throws SAXException {
AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
addAttribute(atts, "version", version);
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Line |
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67 |
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120 |
public Comparison createGreaterOrEqual()
Comparison comparison = new Comparison()
public void eval(Comparable left, Comparable right)
int i = left.compareTo( right);
if( !(i<0))
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Line |
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44 |
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91 |
static public class IconHeader {
public long Size; /* Size of this header in bytes DWORD 0*/
public long Width; /* Image width in pixels LONG 4*/
public long Height; /* Image height in pixels LONG 8*/
public int Planes; /* Number of color planes WORD 12 */
public int BitsPerPixel; /* Number of bits per pixel WORD 14 */
/* Fields added for Windows 3.x follow this line */
public long Compression; /* Compression methods used DWORD 16 */
public long SizeOfBitmap; /* Size of bitmap in bytes DWORD 20 */
public long HorzResolution; /* Horizontal resolution in pixels per meter LONG 24 */
public long VertResolution; /* Vertical resolution in pixels per meter LONG 28*/
public long ColorsUsed; /* Number of colors in the image DWORD 32 */
public long ColorsImportant; /* Minimum number of important colors DWORD 36 */
public IconHeader(BinaryInputStream in) throws IOException {
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Line |
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64 |
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throw new BuildException( "<get> requires attribute \"entry\".");
Registry reg=null;
if( subKey!=null)
reg = new Registry( Win32RegistryTask.this.reg, subKey);
reg = Win32RegistryTask.this.reg;
if( !reg.exists())
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Line |
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348 |
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377 |
double i = java.lang.Double.valueOf( value).doubleValue();
p.putDouble( name, i);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
throw new BuildException( getSubTaskName() + " : " + value + "Value is not parsable as double");
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Line |
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702 |
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1376 |
public void setVersion(String string) {
version = string;
public void writeElement(TransformerHandler hd) throws SAXException {
AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
addAttribute(atts, "spec", spec);
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Line |
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47 |
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85 |
public Comparison createGreater()
Comparison comparison = new Comparison()
public void eval(Comparable left, Comparable right)
int i = left.compareTo( right);
if( i>0)
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Line |
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103 |
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202 |
Registry reg=null;
if( subKey!=null)
reg = new Registry( Win32RegistryTask.this.reg, subKey);
reg = Win32RegistryTask.this.reg;
if( !reg.exists())
File |
Line |
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61 |
net\sf\ovanttasks\ovanttasks\ |
69 |
public void setUnless(String string)
if( isTrue!=null || isFalse!=null || _if!=null || unless!=null || available!=null)
throw new BuildException( "Only one of istrue, isfalse, if, unless or available can be used as property attribute");
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Line |
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474 |
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651 |
throw new BuildException( "Attribute name OR node is required in element test");
Preferences p = rootPrefs;
if( path!=null)
if( p.nodeExists( path))
p = p.node( path);
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Line |
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243 |
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312 |
public void writeElement(TransformerHandler hd) throws SAXException {
AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
addAttribute(atts, "href", href);
hd.startElement("", "", "related-content", atts);
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Line |
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47 |
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120 |
public Comparison createLesserOrEqual()
Comparison comparison = new Comparison()
public void eval(Comparable left, Comparable right)
int i = left.compareTo( right);
if( !(i>0))
File |
Line |
net\charabia\jsmoothgen\pe\ |
121 |
net\charabia\jsmoothgen\pe\ |
66 |
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
return super.clone();
public void read() throws IOException
FileChannel ch = m_pe.getChannel();
ByteBuffer mz = ByteBuffer.allocate(64);
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Line |
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113 |
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201 |
public void writeEntry( JarFile jarFile, JarEntry entry)
String name = entry.getName();
name = name.replace( '/', File.separatorChar);
File file = new File( tempDir, name);
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Line |
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54 |
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97 |
width = string;
public void writeElement(TransformerHandler hd) throws SAXException {
AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
addAttribute(atts, "name", name);
addAttribute(atts, "mainClass", mainClass);
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Line |
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582 |
net\charabia\util\codec\ |
602 |
int reduce(int threshold, int next_threshold) {
if (nchild != 0) {
for (int id = 0; id < 8; id++) {
if (child[id] != null) {
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Line |
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65 |
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90 |
ArrayList customProperties = new ArrayList();
public Property createProperty()
Property prop = new Property();
customProperties.add( prop);
return prop;
public WorkingDirectory createWorkingDirectory()
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Line |
net\charabia\util\io\ |
102 |
net\charabia\util\io\ |
112 |
public long readUIntLE() throws IOException
int a = readByte();
int b = readByte();
int c = readByte();
int d = readByte();
return (long)((d&0xff)<<24) | (long)((c&0xff)<<16) | (long)((b&0xff)<<8) | (long)(a&0xff);
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Line |
net\charabia\util\io\ |
82 |
net\charabia\util\io\ |
92 |
public long readUIntBE() throws IOException
int a = read();
int b = read();
int c = read();
int d = read();
return (long)((a&0xff)<<24) | (long)((b&0xff)<<16) | (long)((c&0xff)<<8) | (long)(d&0xff);
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Line |
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117 |
net\charabia\jsmoothgen\pe\ |
56 |
public PESection(PEFile pef, long baseoffset)
m_pe = pef;
m_baseoffset = baseoffset;
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
return super.clone();
public String getName()
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net\sf\ovanttasks\ovanttasks\ |
51 |
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91 |
public void setEntry( String s)
entry = s;
public void setSubKey( String s)
subKey = s;
public void run()
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Line |
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55 |
net\sf\ovanttasks\ovanttasks\ |
975 |
public void writeElement(TransformerHandler hd) throws SAXException {
AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
addAttribute(atts, "name", name);
addAttribute(atts, "part", part);